***Progress Reports will be coming home on Friday!***
Reading:This week in reading we are finishing up writing summaries about our reading. So far we have been writing summaries of fiction books. Later in the week we are going to start writing summaries of non fiction texts. We have been working on creating summaries of books we have read together. Starting this week the kids will have to start writing me summaries of a book they are reading during independent reading time. Our reading groups are also continuing to meet daily.
Word Study:
We are getting back into the word study groove. As a whole class we have been working on Prefixes and how they change the meaning of a word. Today we introduced the new prefix "in-" which means "not." For example: the word incomplete means that something is not complete. Our word study groups are all working on different skills. Our goal is to sort our words into specific categories and then explain how and why we sorted them that way.
We are finishing up our Student Treasure Books. From here on out...most of the work is going to have to be completed at home. We are also starting another writing unit. We are starting to investigate what makes list articles different from other types of writing. Each of the kids will have to create a list article by the end of the quarter.
Week of February 3, 2014
This week we are finishing up determining the important parts as we read. We have also started thinking about how to write a brief summary of what we have read. We have been working hard in our reading groups on determining importance and writing summaries.
Word Study:
Due to all of our snow days and delays, this week we will be taking a break from our word study groups. We are trying to catch up on our reading and writing skills.
We are continuing to work on our Student Treasure Books. Our rough drafts are close to being completed. This week we discussed how an interesting lead can hook our readers, strong verbs can help show our readers what is happening, and a strong conclusion helps to wrap up how we feel about the topic. We are also going to start exploring list articles. Keep working on those treasure books at home.
Week of January 27, 2014
This week we will be continuing to work on determining the important parts as we read both fiction and non-fiction. As we read we are looking for the V.I.P.'s (very important parts). We will be working on this skill in whole class lessons as well as in our small groups.
Word Study:
Our word study groups are back up and running smoothly. Each group is working on different word study skills. Our goal is to be able to sort words into specific categories and to be able to explain why we sorted them that way. We will also be continuing to add words to our prefix and suffix graffiti wall.
This week we will be starting our Student Treasure Books. Student Treasure Books are books that the kids write and then publish. It is a very exciting project. Watch for more information soon.
Week of January 13, 2014
This week we will be getting back into the swing of things. We will continue to review a few procedures for independent reading time. We are also going to be working on analyzing a text critically, thinking of the author's message, as well as determining what is the important information from a text (aka..."what's the gist?").
Word Study:
This week in word study we will also review a few procedures for our word study activities. We will all be focusing on prefixes this week. We will be discussing the meaning of prefixes as well of how they can change the meaning of the base or root word.
We are starting a new unit this week. We are going to be studying the test-taking genre. In this unit we will be working on strategies for writing to a prompt. This will help us prepare for the ISTEP test we will be taking in the spring. The strategy we are going to be trying this week is called RUPR. RUPR is an acronym that will help the students break apart the prompt to make sure that they successfully write to the prompt. Here is what it stands for...
R = Read the prompt
U = Underline the important information in the question
P = Plan what you are going to write about
R = Reread the prompt to make sure you know what you will be writing about.
Week of January 6, 2014
This week we will be getting back into our routines of independent reading. We will be reviewing a few of the procedures to reading independently over an extended period of time. We will be reading a few articles about our new science topic. As we read these we will be looking for the main idea and supporting details. We will also be working on answering an extend response question. Especially how to restate the question.
Word Study:
This week we will be finishing up a few assessments. After all of the assessments are finished we will be starting up in our groups again. It is so exciting to see everyones growth. We will be continuing to work on word parts. Once we know these different word parts than we should see the carry over into our daily writing.
This week we are going to start looking at the genre of test writing. By this I mean "How do we write a response to a prompt that is given to us in a testing situation?" We are going to take the next couple weeks reviewing this type of writing. This week we will be focusing on how to break apart the prompt and figure out what to write about. We will also start to work on brainstorming ideas quickly.
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