Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Native American Project

At the beginning of December we started working on a project where we were integrating Social Studies, Language Arts, and Technology.  In this project the students were asked to complete two tasks.  One was to write a compare and contrast essay and the other was to research two different Native American groups and take that information to create a iphoto slideshow presentation.  We have been working hard to complete these two tasks.  The students have been researching different Native American groups who once lived in Indiana.  They found their research in books, online, and even interviewed an expert.  We Skyped with Dr. Ben Kracht, a professor at Northeastern State University in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  He was very helpful in answering all of the questions that we had.

This week we will be finishing up our projects.  They have worked really hard on them.  Check out a few pictures of all of our hard work.  Not only did we learn a lot about the different Native American groups who once lived in Indiana but...we have also learned a lot about researching, using technology, working in a group, and presenting information.  Many of the 21st Century skills they will be using in the future!

 The students were working on their research any chance they got!  Even while the rest of the class was taking restroom breaks.  

We learned how to use the research tool in google docs to find information about the different Native American groups we were researching.  We then recorded our findings in a google docs document.  

Here is a picture of Dr. Ben Kracht and a member of the Kiowa Nation.  He has studied different Native American groups for over 20 years.  We were thankful that he was able to Skype with our class to answer all our questions.

Ask your child about their project...I am so proud of all of their hard work!

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